Take Control Of Your Finances And Build A Better Future
The Livin' Beyond Your Paycheck 30-Day Financial Health Challenge is your key to financial health and abundant living.
The secret’s out. While some budgeting methods are great for accomplishing a single goal like buying your first car, they’re terrible at helping you build a strong financial foundation. You need more than a budget. You need a plan! Join the Livin' Beyond Your Paycheck 30-Day Financial Health Challenge, and you can create and optimize a financial plan that can undo the damage caused by poor money management and develop the mental strength you need to build a better financial future while making the same pay.
Book Review
The Livin' Beyond Your Paycheck 0-Day Financial Health Challenge was designed by Chad McKendrick with our community in mind. Through self-paced lessons, you will be prepared to save immediately with a purpose and start living an abundant life.
Financial health requires time, discipline, determination, and commitment. Many people believe that becoming financially healthy requires making more money. However, the truth is, good habits, a proven strategy, and hard work is the key to Financial Health.
Book Review Outline
The Livin' Beyond Your Paycheck 30-Day Financial Health Challenge contains lessons in:
- The Principles of Share, Shop, Save, Vacation, and Spend
- You'll learn how to move from not enough to more than enough while making the same pay
- Change the way you see and treat money
- Reverse the money cycle in your life to bring money back to you
- Make your money work for you
- Get rid of bill collectors once and for all
- Parkinson's Law of Money
- What is Parkinson's Law and how to avoid it?
- The 10-10-20-60 Rule
- How to break the cycle of living paycheck to paycheck
- And more…
Upon completing the 0-Day Challenge, you'll have the opportunity to join a community of successful financially healthy people ready to support you on your journey.
About The Author
Chad McKendrick is a seasoned MONEY COACH who has been helping people with their money for over 31 years. He developed this strategy out of necessity and compassion to see people living in abundance.
Chad has been invited as a speaker at several events including the nationally syndicated television show "The Daily Buzz" and various radio shows including Star 94.5 "Community Cares". He has conducted financial seminars for various small businesses, non-profit organizations, and churches as well as Teach-in courses at the University of Central Florida, Valencia Community College, and several Orange & Seminole County schools.
Livin' Beyond Your Paycheck 30-Day Financial Health Challenge
Only $99
Your Course Includes:
- Virtual Consultation For A Customized Financial Health Plan
- Livin' Beyond Your Paycheck Course On-Demand (30-Day Access)
- Livin' Beyond Your Paycheck Autographed Book ($15 Value)
Livin' Beyond Your Paycheck Course
Only $29
Your Course Includes:
- Livin' Beyond Your Paycheck Course On-Demand (30-Day Access)